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Marketing Matters – November 2017

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David Parker

At last month’s annual Thanksgiving party, Freshwater Creative was able to show off its new digs in the historic Burns Building, decorated to reflect the personality of the creative team – right down to the Astroturf flooring.

They also heard that partner Barry Chugg will be taking it a little easier come year-end and Jennifer Devine will take over as managing partner while Neil Devine continues as partner/creative director.

Chugg says Freshwater has enjoyed a remarkably successful year, keeping its staff of 15 busy serving a growing list of clients primarily in the fields of video and digital communications.

Long-standing clients include Brookfield Residential, Jugo Juice, Good Earth, AMA and the Calgary Foundation while Creative is happy to have added more recently Pembina Pipeline, the University of Calgary and the Calgary Chamber (including designing and producing a new Chamber website).


Mosaic Communications has been engaged to work with a progressive cannabis company. President Melodie Creegan says Brighton is an innovative and experienced team led by Kiley Greddie whose life was dramatically altered when a car accident left him a quadriplegic.

After years of pain, his doctor finally prescribed medical marijuana and he found relief.

Brighton was founded to help others discover the benefits of medical marijuana and today it has a 66-acre property and production facility outside the town of Camrose.

And Creegan is pleased to report that Kelly Sembinelli, who left Mosaic for a short time to seek greener pastures, is back on the team, now serving as vice president of projects and operations.


Jeff Bradshaw at V Strategies has expanded his operations with the addition of V Learning.

It is specializing in blended visual learning, a new approach that uses a mix of visual storytelling tools to connect on an emotional level with an audience. Bradshaw says, “Trainees are bombarded with thousands of images a day and it’s made their attention span shorter than that of a goldfish.”

Different to a typical e-learning company, V Learning, led by Eric Atkinson, develops customized visual training solutions to hold attention and help retain information.


Ximena Gonzalez came to Calgary armed with a degree in architecture from Mexico and went on to earn her master of architecture at the University of Calgary. But she doesn’t want to practice the profession but rather help established architects, interior designers and landscape architects to promote their own firms.

Converge Communications has been launched by Gonzalez to raise the profile of local companies.


Venture has been working with Lisa Lisson, president of FedEx Canada and a powerful and inspirational advocate of women’s advancement, to launch her new book, Resilience: Navigating Life, Loss, and the Road to Success.


Parker’s Pick: One of Canada’s foremost PR experts David Eisenstadt of TCGPR for his U of C Alumni Achievement Award.

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