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Convoy to Ottawa Ready to Roll

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Cody Battershill

As Canadians, we all hold sacred our right to engage in hot partisan debate. From well before the time of Confederation, and stretching right up to today, it’s always been the case.

But as our organization gets set to embark February 15 from Alberta on our trip to Ottawa to raise awareness about the burning need for progress on a pipeline, we’ll check all partisan politics at the door. Our convoy to Ottawa is all about policy – not partisanship.

It’s not a trivial distinction. We all have our personal political views about any number of local, national and global issues. But I can’t stress enough: that’s not what this convoy is about.


  • We stand for inclusion of people and communities – not exclusion. We’re in favour of all Canadians benefiting from a strong natural resource economy.


  • We specifically include indigenous communities in that vision; full indigenous participation in the development of their resources is key if their communities and, in particular, their youth are to benefit fully.


  • In short, we’re pro-Canada. We’re focussed on educating the public about the importance of a strong natural resources sector – to every Canadian.

As you’ve heard many times at our Canada Action rallies in Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver and other cities around the country, we’re united on many things — fair value for our energy exports, the need for pipelines, the critical importance of resource jobs to communities across the country, better public energy policy, and improving Canadian competitiveness being just a few examples.

So, no matter who you voted for, please let Ottawa know we need to get a pipeline built in this country – and fast.

Cody Battershill is a Calgary realtor and founder/spokesperson for, a volunteer organization that supports Canadian energy development and the environmental, social and economic benefits that come with it.

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