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A Tale of Two Elections

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Shane Wenzel

By the time this goes to print the federal election will be over and Canada will either be on a new path for getting our economy back to normal or will continue a straight trajectory to where we have been going for the past six years. If the choice is wrong and the random spending continues, all the ‘handouts’ will distort the economy, unleash inflation and a possible recession.

Talk of “The Great Reset” keeps many of us awake at night, as it essentially is a rebuke of the way we have been living, suggests it has failed and things needs to change to a new way. Apparently, a wise and noble government would guide our every step and tell us what to do. This reset is touted as a world where ‘you will own nothing and be happy about it.’ Sounds like something to keep most awake at night.

The upcoming civic election is now back in the headlines. I have lost count of how many times I have seen the slogan, ‘It’s Time for Change.’ Of course, there will be change and without much effort as there are nine vacant seats to fill. So how meaningful has that ‘time for change’ message become? It is even more noticeable when it is said by incumbent candidates who have been part of what they now say needs to change. In casual conversation I hear a common question is being asked of incumbent campaigners: “Why did they wait so long to talk change – they were there?” At the moment in council there seems to be a lack of full dimensional leadership and vison. So perhaps what is needed is a ‘new approach rather than change.’ If asked what I would see as priorities, I would answer: leadership, accountability, economic growth and quality of life. If asked directly about overall priorities on civic policies, they might look like the following:

  • Freeze property taxes for up to three years while you get a grip on spending
  • Streamline bureaucracy at City Hall
  • Set performance standards and spending goals for city bureaucrats
  • End duplication of services
  • Cut the red tape to make it easier to attract new business to the city and for existing business to thrive and effectively deal with City Hall

When I see 27 candidates vying for the one position of mayor, and up to 12 council candidates in one ward alone, I can’t help but wonder if these positions are higher paying than I thought. There seems to be a lot of interest. When I try to sort it out, I find myself missing the opportunity to call my uncle who just passed away for his insight and the threads of his program on the ‘Future of Great Cities.’ He could always connect the dots on ideas and trends and getting things done. With so many after these jobs it appears there is a need for some dots to be connected, or reconnected, at City Hall.

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