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Marketing Matters – September 2018

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David Parker

Beattie Tartan, an integrated communications agency that is headquartered in London and has 12 offices in the UK and Ireland, plus a network spanning more than 100 cities worldwide, has opened in Calgary under the leadership of Jessica Harcombe Fleming, director, Alberta. The company’s chairman is Kevin Roberts, former CEO Coca Cola (Canada) and former CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi. Founder Gordon Beattie wanted to expand onto Canada and teamed up with Deirdre Campbell, who had 16 years with her own PR company in Vancouver.

Beattie Tartan was launched a year ago. It now has offices in Vancouver, Victoria, and Toronto – and Fleming is hiring a local team here. She spent six years with Bellstar Hotels & Resorts, has worked with Travel Alberta, and also has experience as the director of making and communications with Treeline Outdoors.

Very involved with health and wellness, Beattie Tartan’s current accounts include Maple Leaf Adventures, NW Explorations, Le Boat, VeloGuide, and more.

It’s good to see agencies adding staff, and Craig and Emily LePa, managing partners over at Flipp Advertising Inc., have recruited some great talent. Leah Zukowski has joined Flipp as creative director, following leadership roles spanning almost 25 years; including six with Venture Communications, almost six with ZGM Collaborative Marketing, and more recently with C&B Advertising. Paul Rzeszut is the new lead UI/UX designer, and Justin Bedford has been named Flipp’s new digital strategist.

They have plenty to do with accounts such as Walton International (Edmonton), Genstar Development Company (Calgary), Papa John’s Pizza (Canada), Brewster’s Brewing Company, and Canada Malting. Add new clients like KidSport, Spiritleaf, and Nest (which is a condo development in the popular Mission district) and you can see how the company is going to be very busy.

Metrographics: Art + Design has been selected as part of the creative team designing the new visitor centre at Waterton Lakes National Park. When completed it will provide a new space offering a full range of information services and interpretive programming throughout the year for the park’s 400,000 annual visitors.

Opening this fall at the new Calgary Fire Department building on 1st Street N.E. is Metro’s Holding Fast display of 11 circular paintings by Doug Driediger, who has completed some 40 murals across Western Canada. His work at the fire station will provide an understanding of the department’s history, while also reflecting a memorial theme. Already on view is his stunning 82” x 36” acrylic on cut steel bison, which is installed in the Iniskim Centre in Mount Royal University.

Parker’s Pick: C&B Advertising has been selected to provide creative strategy and content development for Travel Alberta for the next three years.

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