Most of us enjoy reading Letters to the Editor, giving us an idea of other people’s genuine interests and concerns. They also give us a current temperature reading of feelings towards governments, and ours on all levels don’t seem to be faring too well.
Booking vaccinations online brought plenty of frustrations as seniors became very frustrated by wait time. But more important was a statement in one letter that reported AHS had tweeted that 6,000 had access on the first day, and sadly she just didn’t believe the statement.
And that’s a big concern – we are at the point where we don’t believe what governments tell us.
No more Rocky Mountain coal mines?
It’s almost a year since I questioned in this column when we would be back to ‘normal’ with people returning to their downtown desks. There will be those willing to stay working from home although I hear from more and more who are anxious to be amongst colleagues.
Good, I think, for companies who will benefit from creativity fostered by in-office relationships, and good for retailers and restaurants who have been hurt so badly.
And what about all those office plants? Hope they have been cared for by somebody, or I know of plant companies more than willing to freshen up welcoming space with new exotics that can be so pleasing and help provide a healthy environment.
Lots of people collect postcards, but few send them.
Mine include photos of Simla in India, tea plantations and old Calgary. One of my favourites shows the 1st Street underpass, the Grain Exchange Building and a house on land where the Palliser Hotel was later built. Another, addressed simply to Mrs. R.M. Smythe, Revelstoke, B.C., shows the original St. Mary’s Cathedral and hall.
Postcards were a pleasant way of sending greetings and letting people know where you were; emails, text and the telephone are the way today. And if you do send a view of where you are holidaying it probably arrives after you are back home.
So, I applaud Canada Post for the nice surprise of the offer of a postage-paid postcard to share special moments with friend and family. A great marketing piece that just might encourage me to use more.
It’s amazing how a small idea can grow into a big and successful operation, aided by inspiration and commitment.
Back in 1963 Calgary businessman Art Jenkyns met Dr. Ben Gullison who had been working at a mission hospital in India.
Jenkyns said he’d like to help raise funds for the work and Operation Eyesight was formed. Little by little, without the aid of our modern communication tools, it grew until today the Calgary-based charity is a world-renowned leader in the global eye care sector.
“You can’t change the world, but you can change some people’s world,” is a quote he lived by.
Final Words: A rich person is nothing but a poor person with money. – W.C. Fields